Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Irish, what were they good for anyway?

In the golden years of Irish yore, the Irish were known for paintin themselves up like devilish white fairies, putin on kilts (or is that scottish...who cares), brandishin swords and plundering towns of peaceful dwarvin villagers.  When all that fun was ended by the romans, english, or whoever, it was pretty much all about getting drunk on Guinness and beatin the old wife until she was a genius.  Quite recently though, (1990) the Irish have been puttin down the Guinness and blunt wife beating instruments and heading to the coffeehouse and then the factory.  There they have been churning out cheap crappy computers by the metric assload at breakneck speed for relatively few lucky charms.  Well today all of that ends when Dell pulls out of limerick and shoots its load over to Warsaw.  Sorry Irish, you had your years in the sun, your cheap crappy computers, but now all you have is the literature of James Joyce and music of Enya to take solace in.  My advice is to chase down Enya and beat her senseless for selling 70 million crappy CDs that will make you the target of violence in every country worldwide.  

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